there are many big mistakes you'd made and one of them is adding/approving your exes on Facebook.

on the first place you thought it would be nice to still keep in touch with your exes especially that one relationship that ended in a calm way. you thought apa salah nya we're still friends kan. kepala hotak kamu. trust me that is the most stupid-est mistake you'll ever do. unless you are that kind of bulletproof person. even C4 don't split you into pieces, if you get what i mean.

eventhough they are your exes, tipulah kalau kau tak ada rasa jealous tengok depa dok lvoe love dengan other girls. what makes it more interesting those girls are the girls that make you auto-on-guard mode.


Nesayang said...

Spm dh hbs, bila nk lepak? :p

Nesayang said...

Taiknya, baru la ni dpt cmmnt blog kau -___- selama ni amende ntah nk kene jd member dulu yadayada....... ergh.

Kc Kasedah said...
