I. i guess i wasn't supposed to blog about my relationship vigorously here. i am going to put a stop on that.

II. while desperately and nervously waiting for my final exam results, i am currently is up to nothing. start my day almost noon everyday, with a cup of milk coffee. i think black with two sugars will forever be in my top list but nowadays milk coffee is not bad though. it feels like i am two-timing. but i don't care because both of them have their own rigidity. and rigidity is why people love something and probably someone.

and i would love to buy a coffee machine by Nescafe's Dolce Gusto later (when i have stacks of cash in my pathetic RM10 purse).

III. we always have that favorite people that not specially bound in romance or relationship. it is more to admiration. of how we admire their pretty face, their beautiful hair, their porcelain skin, their smokey eyes, their artist hands, their paintings, their songs, their writings, their sarcasm, their brilliance, their cockiness, their boldness and almost everything that in the end you realized that you did not possessed any of those.

IV. you probably don't know how it feels, or probably you do, i don't mind if you don't. but i feel like a sense of solid freedom when i was informed that i am not going to take luvox and respiridone anymore. now i am on escitalopram, which is mild, and i am proud of myself that i am healthy and i am going to be healthy.


Anonymous said...

are you breaking up with you boyfriend? Need someone?

Hanani said...

are you my boyfriend? :')